Päijät-Häme Roadmap Towards a Circular Economy
Päijät-Häme Roadmap Towards a Circular Economy

The Päijät-Häme roadmap towards a circular economy describes regional goals and actions to help achieve their vision of being a successful resource efficient region in 2030. The roadmap has five themes with goals and actions set for each.

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National Action Plan on Circular Economy
National Action Plan on Circular Economy

A circular economy in Greece can lead to a qualitative leap in the economy and growth transformation. It can create new jobs, support small and medium-sized entrepreneurship, create new trades and fosters the social economy. The National Strategy for Circular Economy...

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Anit-Waste Law for a Circular Economy
Anit-Waste Law for a Circular Economy

France's Anti-Waste Law for a Circular Economy responds to citizen expectations to preserve and respect ecology through daily life measures. It contains measures that drive new obligations, new prohibitions, and new tools that shift production and consumption...

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Green Public Procurement National Action Plan: 2019-2025
Green Public Procurement National Action Plan: 2019-2025

Malta’s Waste Management Plan 2014-2020 identifies GPP as a tool towards creating resources from waste. The Commission’s Circular Economy Action Plan also identified GPP as a tool for promoting the creation of a market for secondary resources. This dovetails with this...

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Corporate Responsible Procurement and Commissioning Policy
Corporate Responsible Procurement and Commissioning Policy

Cornwall's Corporate Responsible Procurement and Commissioning policy covers all procurement areas and focuses on nine responsible procurement objectives to influence the way products and services are sourced. It is a crucial lever to drive social value, economic and...

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