The Federal Sustainability Development Strategy (FSDS) 2019-2022 outlines the Government of Canada’s sustainable development priorities, goals and targets, and actions. The 2019-2022 strategy focuses on clean growth, healthy ecosystems, and building safe, secure and...
Canada-wide Strategy for Zero Plastic Waste
Building on the Ocean Plastic Charter, the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment approved the Canada-wide Strategy on Zero Plastic Waste. The strategy is developed according to circular economy principles and addresses the way plastics are designed and...
Pan Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change
The Pan-Canadian Framework is a collective plan to grow the economy while reducing emissions and building resilience to adapt to a changing climate. The framework has four pillars that form the comprehensive plan, including pricing carbon pollution; complementary...
Ocean Plastics Charter
The Ocean’s Plastic Charter is a global collaboration of governments, businesses, and civil society organizations to commit to taking immediate and concrete action to address plastic waste. The charter lays out four measures to address end-of-life management of...