OPBA Circular Procurement Workshop

Circular Innovation Council, in partnership with Ontario Public Buyers Association, is hosting a two-day virtual workshop from November 29-30, 2022 from 10:00 am to 12.30 pm to expand knowledge of the concepts and benefits of the circular economy and how procurement is a critical and direct mechanism to shift markets to deliver low carbon, low waste goods and services. 

Bidding on Opportunities Webinar

On November 10, 2022, Circular Innovation Council partnered with Procurement Assistance Canada Ontario
Region (PAC-OR) to host a webinar focused on bringing awareness to the power of public procurement, the role of SMEs in advancing the circular economy, and to shed light on the federal procurement system for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).


In support of SMEs and their role in advancing circular economies, Circular Innovation Council, in partnership with Procurement Assistance Canada – ON Region, is hosting an exclusive webinar to educate and support entrepreneurs and business owners to start their journey toward circularity and mythbust government procurement.

Redefining Value: Using Buying Power to Accelerate the CIrcular Economy

Circular Innovation Council is pleased to host its second Circular Procurement Summit in October and November 2021. As an official Side Event of the World Circular Economy Forum, the summit is a learning and application experience that offers stakeholders a series of tangible benefits and actions to implement circular economy concepts.


Power of Public Procurement: Government-Buying Co-operation to Accelerate the Circular Economy

WCEF 2021 is being hosted by Canada for the first time ever focuses on the cross-cutting issues and topics that are central to economic recovery and the circular transition.

Power of Public Procurement: Government-Buying Co-operation to Accelerate the Circular Economy is a WCEF Accelerator Session hosted by Circular Innovation Council.

Circular Procurement Virtual Series

To facilitate circular outcomes, the Circular Innovation Council lead a virtual series of events in conjunction with the World Circular Economy Forum Online to offer learning opportunities and practical steps organizations can take to begin their journey. Topics of interest included: Introducing and reinforcing concepts, identify high potential product groups, setting ambition, stakeholder discovery, market engagement, and implementing circular procurement. 

Circular Procurement Summit 2019

To advance the circular economy domestically, Recycling Council of Ontario hosted Canada’s first Circular Procurement Summit in June 2019. Global experts from around the world shared their insight and showcased examples and best practices that recognize the strength and value of purchasing power to change markets. Canadian representatives from all levels of governments and their agencies, as well as suppliers and vendors joined the conversation to share knowledge and resources, showcase best practices, and network.