Translating good intentions into tangible actions with meaningful impact is where business leaders can improve their sustainability outlook. Businesses should adjust their supply chains to drive change Supplier relationships need to mature from often transactional,...
Governments of Canada and United States Announce Greening Government Initiative
Today, in conjunction with President Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate, Canada and the United States announced a new initiative to engage governments around the world in greening government operations. Leading by example, the two countries...
How can Wales spend to support the circular economy?
The recent CIWM Cymru Wales webinar ‘How can Wales spend to support the circular economy?’ explored how the public sector can adjust its buying habits to support a circular economy in Wales. The speakers at the webinar were: Ashleigh McLennan, who is employed by ICLEI...
Procurement: Secret Weapon in Global Fight Against Climate Change
When it comes to supply chain sustainability, procurement leaders’ hands can often be tied. While environmental impacts are increasingly front of mind, corporate social responsibility (CSR) commitments rarely extend to sourcing. In many cases, procurement teams are...
What if the world’s biggest customer went green? U.S. government wants to find out
Every year the federal government spends more than $500 billion purchasing goods and services to support its operations. That’s roughly the size of Sweden’s economy, and it makes the United States government the single biggest consumer in the world. In...
City of Richmond supports motion to apply circularity to purchasing
In a 6-1 decision, Richmond city council moved forward with plans to buy more sustainably. Only Coun. Michael Wolfe voted against the motion to support a policy applying "circular economy criteria" when procuring items for the city like construction material,...